For over 40 years, pc/nametag has helped create meaningful connections through custom-branded products and unique service offerings. Specializing in custom sports credentials, lanyards, bag tags, and tickets, pc/nametag creates memorable experiences that bring sports fanatics together. pc/nametag also offers fulfillment services, including event registration packet assembly. Create branded items for your sporting event, or work with us to mail credentials, passes, and more to spectators prior to game day.
Sports Facilities Management, a national leader in facility management, has released its proposed COVID-19 response materials. These are designed to implement reopening policies and develop COVID-19 response strategies which will support the health and safety of clients at local and state levels.
SFM Guide to Help Facilities Reopen During the Pandemic
Are you responsible for planning an upcoming sporting event, but don’t know how to get started? Trying to take your event to the next level? Increase participation or sponsorship? This guide provide the tools needed by a sport organization that wants to conduct a successful, sustainable event. Authored by Bill Hanson, a 42 year industry veteran.
A to Z Guide to Organizaing a Sports Event
This paper, written by sports tourism executive Nick Povalitis articulates how the most successful destinations will gain an understanding of the mutual significance of the resident and visitor, and develop a blended approach to ensure the future for sustainable sport tourism.
Leveraging Sports Tourism from Within
Planning a new sports tourism project? Download our quick reference guide for sports commissions, community leaders, and developers starting a sports, events, recreation, or wellness project. You’ll find: RPF Deliverable Specification, Must-have Components and a Ready-to-use RFP, Tips for Assessing the RFP Responses and more!
Guide to Request for Proposals
Looking for a way to bid on a sports event and land that next tournament or other event? Well, the SPG Event Bidding Process whitepaper is a great resource for hosts wanting to establish a process for their event bidding, so that more bids are a success and more events are hosted. Be sure to Download the Guide and Subscribe to Sports Planning Guide for more information.
Guide to Sports Event BiddingÂ
Sports Smart: Volume I is a compilation of case studies from the front lines of the sports tourism and events industry. Author and sports industry consultant Jon Schmieder, Founder + CEO of the Huddle Up Group LLC, has over 20 years of experience in growing sports related businesses in the non-profit sector.
Sports Service provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects a sport destination encounters when hosting an event. With real-life examples and ample commentary from industry leaders and experts, Sports Services sets out to be a “well-rounded view of what each side of the industry is looking for to be able to best service sports groups.”