Where2Play Indoors marks our third iteration in the Where2Play (W2P) series, showcasing facilities across North America that are featured in our annual Sports Planning Guide (SPG) into a concise collection for event planners. For planners looking for a guide geared towards indoor sports facilities, this is the one you’ve been waiting for.
The 2024 edition of SPG clocks in at nearly 400 pages of in-depth features and facilities in the print guide and even more over at SportsPlanningGuide.com, which can be a little intimidating for those with a targeted sport or need. Just as SPG has been the nation’s leading source for tournament planners, W2P has become a go-to source for rights holders and governing bodies on narrowing down the selection process for sports venues. We’re thrilled to play a part in helping to make that process a little easier.
This W2P guide is packed with over 200 indoor facilities, categorized into four regions, varying from big arenas for major sporting events to smaller indoor multipurpose complexes for youth tournaments from basketball to volleyball and more.
Speaking of, we’re excited to continue our in-depth, state-of-the-industry reports, this time on basketball and volleyball in the United States.
We hope that you enjoy W2P Indoors.
Be safe and play well,
Christopher D. Silbernagel – Associate Editor