United Hoops

Year your company started?
2019 (after 24 years of being part of the American Youth Basketball TOUR from 1995 through 2019)
How many tournaments do you hold each year?
30 tournaments a year from November through January
Where are your tournaments held?
Throughout Central Illinois and Eastern Iowa
Contact information
Kirk Whiteman
Email – (kwhiteman@unitedhoopsnetwork.com) Phone – (217-714-7263)
What is your company’s mission?
To provide high-quality, low-cost, organized basketball tournaments, leagues and special basketball programming for boys and girls grades 2 through 12. To work with coaches, clubs, school, travel and recreational teams on scheduling requests when possible. Also, to provide skill-appropriate scheduling to maximize competition for the development of the athlete when possible.
What are you most proud of?
United Hoops boasts over 30 years of running tournaments, working with teams to provide quality basketball tournaments in a safe environment and creating great family memories.
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Year your company started?
How many tournaments do you hold each year?
In 2024, 200×85 will host 45 tournaments, across both boy’s and girl’s events, as well as an additional 40 player development and showcase events.
Where are your tournaments held?
200×85 and Premier Ice Prospects host events across the entire country, primarily
focused on the Great Lakes region and New England but have a growing number of
events across the US, including Dallas, Seattle, Sunrise, FL, Nashville, Denver and
Phoenix. We also have teams that participate in events across Europe.
Contact information
Kevin Mann, President
Email – kevin@200×85.com
Dave Natale, Director of Partnerships
Email – dave@200×85.com Phone – (412-508-0969)
What is your company’s mission?
200×85 and Premier Ice Prospects strive to deliver excellence in youth hockey
through elite tournaments, experiences and development events.
What are you most proud of?
We are extremely proud of the positive impact we are making on so many players
and their families, providing opportunities to grow and develop both as a player and
as an individual. Today over 70,000 players and 3,800 teams participate in our
events annually, creating life-long memories and developing a love for the game.

Table Tennis America
Year your company started?
How many tournaments do you hold each year?
2 to 3 tournaments a year
Where are your tournaments held?
Our tournaments are held in the western U.S.
Contact information
Miya Zhu – (650-438-2838)
Hailong Shen – (408-623-7845)
What is your company’s mission?
We promote table tennis and support our communities’ development for table tennis programs. We also train players from a young age to compete at the highest level in the United States and across the world.
What are you most proud of?
We have 12 players that were able to get into the U.S. National Team in 2023, taking 17 spots in total. We also have two players that will be representing the United States at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
For more updates on sports and facilities, be sure to Subscribe to Sports Planning Guide for FREE and get even more tips, news and information for sports tourism.