Faces of Sports Tourism

In the world of sports, the intersection of athletic events and tourism has carved out a niche that’s both exciting and integral to the industries it touches. “Faces of Sports Tourism” is a specially curated interview series that shines a spotlight on the pivotal figures driving this dynamic sector. Through engaging and insightful conversations, we delve into the experiences, challenges, and successes of influential personalities in sports event planning and sports tourism.

Our series offers a unique platform for event planners, sports events rights holders, and enthusiasts to gain insider perspectives from industry leaders. Whether it’s discussing the intricacies of organizing international competitions or exploring innovative strategies for boosting local economies through sports tourism, our interviews are designed to inform, inspire, and engage.

Faces of Sports Tourism: Ashley Whittaker

Faces of Sports Tourism: Ashley Whittaker

With us for this edition of Faces of Sports Tourism is Ashley Whittaker, leader of marketing for the Sports Facilities Companies (SFC) as well as the SF Network Marketing Department. Ashley is the 2024 recipient of Sports ETA’s Woman of the Year award, which recognized many of her achievements in the sports tourism industry.

Faces of Sports Tourism: Andrew Marks

Faces of Sports Tourism: Andrew Marks

In this edition of the Faces of Sports Tourism series, where you can learn about the best and brightest in the industry, we have Andrew Marks, sales manager at the Office of Economic Development & Tourism for the City of Lynchburg.

Faces of Sports Tourism: Chloe Dybdahl

Faces of Sports Tourism: Chloe Dybdahl

Learn about the best and brightest in the sports tourism industry with Faces of Sports Tourism. For this edition, we speak with Chloe Dybdahl, senior vice president at Jetr Global Sports + Entertainment.

Faces of Sports Tourism: Jonathan Paris

Faces of Sports Tourism: Jonathan Paris

In our second edition of the Faces of Sports Tourism series, where you can learn about the best and brightest in the industry, we have Jonathan Paris, executive director of sports tourism at Visit Myrtle Beach.

Faces of Sports Tourism: Igor Bakovic

Faces of Sports Tourism: Igor Bakovic

Learn about the best and brightest in the sports tourism industry, beginning with our feature on Igor Bakovic, director of sports at DuPage Sports Commission.