
Best Practices

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Facility Planning: Project Finance Strategy

Facility Planning: Project Finance Strategy

There are many great ideas for new facilities. In most communities, the idea for a new sports complex begins during a visit to another city’s facility when a visionary leader or group asks themselves, “Why can’t we do this in our community?” Then, with research and...

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Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

In a few weeks, the Final Four will descend on our home town of Phoenix, Arizona.  It will be the first time Arizona has hosted college basketball’s most important weekend.  The event will also mark a long-awaited return of the Final Four to the West, the last time it...

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Huddle Up with Jon Schmieder: Field Trip

Huddle Up with Jon Schmieder: Field Trip

This week we pose to you a question….. What is the best learning experience you have ever had? I bet the answer has little to do with classroom setting, and more to do with an experience you had watching or working with someone else.  There is a good chance that this...

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Case Study in Created Events – Richmond Sports Backers

Case Study in Created Events – Richmond Sports Backers

Over the past few years several sports commissions and even some convention bureaus have entered into the event creation business.  While some have struggled, others have had success in this space.  By creating their own events destinations are developing assets that...

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Planning With Purpose

Planning With Purpose

Let the Idea Run Typically beginning with community requests or the insight of a few key leaders, the early visioning phase for a new sport, special events, or recreation center is an exciting time. Once the idea progresses and community leaders begin to get behind...

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The Fun Factor

The Fun Factor

Jason Clement, CEO and founding partner of SFM, is contributing a series of three articles discussing why they were built and what makes them work.

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Location Focused

SPG State Guides

Explore our State-by-State Sports Planning Guides to discover top venues, local resources, and expert insights for hosting a successful tournament or competition. Whether you’re looking for world-class stadiums, multi-sport complexes, or hidden gems, our guides provide everything you need to plan with confidence. Select a state to get started!